The ministry of Richmond Baptist Church is centered around our time of worship each week. So much more than a “religious organization” or “social club”, Richmond Baptist Church is a family and that becomes so evident as we worship together each service. Services are characterized by Godly music from our hymnal and chorus book, opportunities to support God’s work financially through our offering, preaching and teaching of the Bible, and the opportunity to respond to the Holy Spirit’s working in our hearts during the invitation time. Children enjoy our Sunday School classes, Junior Churches, and Kids Clubs, as well as staffed nurseries each service. Consider this your personal invitation to come visit us this Sunday. We truly would be blessed by your visit, and we believe you will be blessed as well.

Sunday at 10 am
At Richmond Baptist Church you will find Sunday School classes for every age. Â
Our Adult Sunday school focuses on detailed study of the Bible and subjects such as: Creation and Evolution, The End Times, The Tabernacle, and much more!
Our Children's classes focus on a structured and fun study of Bible lessons.
Sunday Starting at 11 am
Sunday Evening at 5 pm
You will hear vibrant preaching of God's Word that will stir, convict, and heal the broken heart.
The Gospel message will be heard every service and an invitation at end of the services will be given to come to the alter if God spoke to your heart.
Teen Bible Study at 6 pm Wednesday Starting at 7 pm
Another opportunity to study the bible. Our Bible Studies usually are detailed studies of subjects of the Bible. The end of our service we have an opportunity give prayer requests of the members and friends and we take the time to lift those request up to the Lord in prayer. Children enjoy their own Kids Club where they study the Bible, memorize Bible verses, and enjoy fun activities.